We will conclude by summarizing when to apply and when not to apply the data federation pattern and to list important constraints. 我们最后将总结何时应用数据联合模式及何时不应用此模式,并将列出重要的约束。
You can specify a pattern on the command line or a list of patterns in a text file. 可以在命令行上指定模式,或者在文本文件中指定模式列表。
Finally, we can use pattern matching to pull out the elements from a list or tuple using the construct notation mentioned earlier. 最后,可以按前面提到的构造表示方法,使用模式匹配从列表或元组中提取元素。
If the DN created by the first DN pattern does not exist in the directory, the authenticator bean tries the next DN pattern configured in the list. 如果目录中并没有第一个DN模式创建的DN,authenticatorbean尝试使用列表中配置的第二个DN模式。
The case statement works like its counterparts in traditional programming languages: It compares its argument to each pattern in a list; when a match is found, the corresponding code executes. case语句的工作方式与传统编程语言中的对应结构相似。它将其参数与列表中的每个模式比较;当找到匹配项时,则执行对应的代码。
The cloud resource pattern includes the list of extensions just mentioned. 云资源模式包括刚刚提到的一组扩展。
It follows a common pattern in functional languages for dealing with a list. 它采用函数语言中的一种常见模式处理列表。
Select a WebSphere CloudBurst pattern from the list in the project configuration panel. 从项目配置面板中的清单中选择一个WebSphereCloudBurst模式。
Select your new virtual application pattern from the list on the left side of the screen. 从屏幕左侧的列表选择您的新虚拟应用程序模式。
Choose Wildcard extension to ignore all files with the current file's extension, or choose Custom pattern to add your own wild card to the ignore list. 选择Wildcardextension忽略具有当前文件扩展名的所有文件,或选择Custompattern在忽略列表中添加您自己的通配符。
While this is detrimental to blogs and articles with continuous prose, this is obviously beneficial for lists of things, as the reader is reading in a pattern that largely follows a list structure. 这一模式不利于登载系列散文的博客和文章,却显然有利于清单,因为读者阅读的模式很大程度上遵循了清单的结构。
The pattern consists of a comma-separated list of IP address specifications. 模式包含有用逗号隔开的IP地址的详细说明。
If the PATTERN contains parentheses, additional list elements are created from each matching substring in the delimiter. 如果PATTERN里包含括号,那么每一个匹配的定界符子字符串都会作为元素加到列表中去。
China, an emerging nation determined to change its growth pattern, leads the list of major renewable energy investors worldwide. 中国近年来力图改变经济增长方式,在可再生能源投资领域保持领先地位。
The "message dispatcher" pattern: the EIP Component sends the message to a list of service providers ( multipoint) “消息分发器”模式:EIP组件向一组服务提供者发送消息(多点)。
Study on the Military Engineering Tender Pattern of the Resilience Detailed List 工程量清单招标模式下军事工程招标模式研究
Chapter 3 introduce the pattern of EIS and reform conditions and the list the problems. 第三章介绍西安市机关事业养老制度模式及改革现状,并指出存在的问题。
In post-processing, the software can display directly a stress distribution pattern, a list of stress values and stress concentration coefficient. 在后处理中,能直接显示甲板及舷侧开口区的应力分布图、应力值表和应力集中系数。
This article introduces the definition, origin and description of design pattern and list 23 base design patterns summarily. 论文介绍了设计模式的定义、起源及描述方式,分析了23种基本的设计模式;
In the designing of the system's kernel module-language transformation module, the topic uses the COMPOSITE Design Pattern to realize the transformation from ladder diagram into instruction list; 在系统的核心模块&语言转换模块中引入了COMPOSITE模式实现了梯形图指令向语句表转换;
In the meanwhile, several other patterns ( the Question-Answer pattern, the Experience-Call to Action pattern, the Experience-Evaluation pattern, the Announcement-Statement pattern, the Simulated Dialogue pattern, and Straight-Line Copy List) are also contributed through the author's further observation. 在此基础上,笔者通过进一步的语料观察提出了其他几个模式(提问回答型、经验号召型、经验评价型、声明陈述型、模拟对话型和直陈清单型)。
Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining Based on FP-Reference-Tree/ List 基于FP-参考树/表的频繁模式挖掘算法
From point of view of engineering quantity list price, the paper explains all sectors of construction market how to do engineering price computation under the price computation pattern of engineering quantity list. 本文从工程量清单计价特点这个角度,阐述了建设市场各方主体在工程量清单计价模式下,应如何来应对工程计价工作。
Chapter III presents through further observation several other textual patterns which function in advertisements, i.e. the Question-Answer pattern, the Experience-Call to Action pattern, the Experience-Evaluation pattern, the Announcement-Statement pattern, the Simulated Dialogue pattern and Straight-Line Copy List. 第三章通过细致观察又提出六个模式即提问回答型、经验号召型、经验评价型、声明陈述型、模拟对话型和直陈清单型模式;
Furthermore, based on mirroring foreign legislative patterns and analyzing the draft of tort law in our country, the author think that the tort law should adopt the pattern of "general clauses plus limited list". 其次,文章在借鉴国外立法例和分析我国现有侵权责任法草案的基础上,认为我国不作为侵权责任立法应当采纳一般条款+有限列举的模式。
Especially based on MVC design pattern of the general list of interfaces on the data loading, data items display are optimized. 特别是在基于MVC设计模式思想的基础上对通用列表界面的数据加载、数据项的显示进行了优化设计。
In this dissertation, two key problems related to fault model are deeply studied, including the development of Single Event Fault Pattern and the design of fault list. 本文重点研究故障模型生成过程中的两个关键问题,即单粒子故障模式的建立和故障序列的设计方法。
Countries around the world have cast enormous concern on building the senior medical personnel training pattern, our National Commission of Education also used to list this pat. our National Commission of Education also used to list this pattern as the priority problem. 世界各国都对高等医学人才培养模式投入了巨大的关注,我国国家教育主管部门也曾将医学人才培养模式列为重点课题。
The unbalanced offer is one of the bidding strategies used by the offers underthe pattern of list valuation. The extensive use of unbalanced offer increased theburden on the owner project management. 清单计价模式下不平衡报价是投标人常用策略之一,但不平衡报价的泛用加重了业主方项目管理负担。
This kind of extensive pattern of economic growth mode brought some negative list of issues, such as the environment pollution problem. 这种粗放型的经济增长模式带来了一些列负面问题,如环境污染问题。